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The Monster

This was the number two song in the country for weeks. Clearly Eminem and Rihanna have notable followings, but I think it’s very interesting this song is so popular, because either a whole lot of people are completely ignoring some very striking lyrics, or a whole lot more people understand some of the issues in this song then we think. I realize that with the huge amount of movies and tv shows focusing on happy little fun monsters at college, and sweet vampires falling in love, and trans-like spirits and weak demons its easy to lose the real meaning of impact of these beings. As much as I wish I could tell you they don’t matter, they really do, and making friends with them is not the answer. And I understand this song is mostly about feeling alone in the midst of fame, but I’m afraid it speaks mountains more then just that whether it meant to or not.
Of course, we can sit here and talk about the fact that as a doctor, I really shouldn’t believe in any of this stuff- a supernatural world, voices, demons. But honestly as a doctor, it doesn’t matter at all what I believe when I see a patient. Because if I try to tell them the voices mean they have schizophrenia, and they need to take this medicine, but they think the voices are their friends, then no medicine will be taken and we won’t be getting anywhere. What you, not I, believe has the most decided impact on your health and your life. But even more then that, I’ve seen time and again that seemingly innocent things, and things that shouldn’t really matter can completely destroy a person’s life. And every time I hear this song, it grips my heart. I’ve seen too many tv shows act like there are “monsters” in the world but they can be trusted or our friends or our saviors. I’ve seen too many movies minimize their strength and power. And I’m tired of sitting around watching people get tricked time and again by something that’s supposedly not even real.
So let me try to tell you what I do believe. I don’t think you are crazy. I think it is possible to get along with these “monsters”, and they may seem to be your friend. I think that it’s a lot easier to get information and relationship and ideas from things going on around you. I believe that it’s easy to listen to what seems like truth from songs, lyrics, movies, important people, or even voices inside your head. But I also believe that the devil exists. And though we’d like to think he’s a joke masquerading in a red costume with a pitchfork, that’s not usually how he is seen in real life. See the Bible says the devil comes as “an angel of light”, as a friend, as some simple fun character, as a seemingly innocent voice. For some people, like used to happen with me, it doesn’t even come like a foreign voice- it comes like your own thoughts, so sneaky and deceptive you don’t even realize it’s not your own. It took me years to realize that me thinking of myself as “never good enough, dumb, broken, and useless” were not my own thoughts but those being fed to me to destroy my self-worth. I can promise you that the devil’s overall goal is not to be your friend and confidant. “Be self-controlled and alert- Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). His overall goal in your life is to sneak in and destroy- your thoughts, your self, your worth, your very life- whatever he can take. Those “monsters” will come seeming like a friend only so they can ransack your life later. Having seen first hand with many people in my life and in my patients lives- the “monsters” in peoples lives in time only tear them apart, confuse and lead to more loneliness and death. Eminem even mentions this in his lyrics to this song- “Cause the very thing I love is killing me, and I can’t conquer it.”
But the Bible says these monsters can be conquered- “we demolish arguments and pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obediant to Christ.” 2 Cor 10:5. The Word of God is more powerful then anything the devil can throw at you. And I can guarantee that there is one thing those thoughts will never tell you, and that is how much you’re worth. How important you are. How vital your life is. My God is not a god of confusion, or hatred, or disdain, or lies. He’s a God who sees you as you and and the promise you hold and loves you wholeheartedly. His love will build you, not break you down. You are worth so much more then you know- don’t let them tell you otherwise. Don’t make friends with liars and stealers whose only goal is to ruin you. You are worth so much that a devil would try to convince you of anything- you’re not good enough, you’re all alone, no one wants you or loves you except for the voices, monsters, spirits, an alter ego, anything but the truth- that God always has loved you and wanted you, and always will.
Rev 12:9-“The great dragon was hurled down-that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.” 12b- “But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.”
** Please do not use this blog as a suggestion to stop medications or to stop seeing your doctor. That is not my intent.

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