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One of my favorite things is to see how God is moving and working in between the lines of seemingly regular careers. God’s grace and blessing is the only way I got through all of my medical training, and I like to look for examples that God can show up and show off in our every day lives in incredible ways. Here I have included different examples about stories in my life and in those around the world that connect my job with my faith.

Medicine Posts

I am a pediatrician who has led medical missions trips around the world. I also spend my free time writing about Ministry in the Marketplace, and love to find examples of God in the most unlikely of places.

Want to read some books I love along this topic?

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made– Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey

Breathing GraceHarry Kraus M.D.

Why Me? A Doctor Looks at the Book of JobDiane M. Komp M.D.